Leg Blast Workout

Gained just under 1 inch

David Morales is a 33yr old male from Miami, Florida.

  • Before leg measurement = 19.1 inches
  • And my final leg measurement = 20 inches

“This workout is really hard but it worked perfectly. The results are great!”

Gained 1.5 inches

Jim Hill is 33 years old from Wagga Wagga, NSW Australia. His facebook profile is here.

  • Before – Left : 21 inches Right: 21 inches
  • After – Left: 22.5 inches Right: 22.5 inches

“Growth peaked for me on the 6th day. I was super excited to try the Leg Blast. The workout was exactly what I needed for a massive change in my legs.”

Gained 3 inches

Ralph Sardinha is 40yrs old from Goa, India. He gained a massive 3 inches.

  • Before Measurement: L 23.5 inches R 23.7 inches
  • Final Measurement: L 26.5 inches R 26.5 inches

“I expected to be in pain so was not surprised when it hit me.”

Gained 1.5 inches

Conrad Nash is 38 from Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, UK.

I did the workouts and my legs went from 61cm to 65cm, so a growth of about an inch and a half all over. My leg press has gone from 175kg to 192.5kg. I enjoyed the workout, it was tough but enjoyable.”

Gained 1/4 inch (on a low-calorie diet)

Savian Morris is a 25yr old man from Louisiana. He gained 1/4 inch (was on a low-calorie diet). Leg Measurements:

  • Day 1: 26 inches
  • Last day: 26.25 inches
  • Total growth =.25 inches

“I could barely walk after I finished. I definitely see the difference in definition. The reason my growth may not be more than .25 inches is because I am cutting calories.”

Gained 3/4 inch

Sean Brown is 40 from Corinth, Texas. This is his facebook profile. He gained 3/4 inch (while cutting!) Measurements:

  • Sunday morning: 22.75 inches
  • Thursday morning: 23.50 inches

“This was one of the most grueling workouts I have ever completed. Very happy and satisfied with this plan.”

Gained 1 inch

TJ Fedirko is 19 years old from Germansville, PA. This is his facebook profile. He completed just 2 workouts and gained 1 inch. Measurements:

  • Pre-Blast. Right leg: 21 inches | Left leg: 21 inches
  • Sunday: Right leg: 22 inches | Left leg: 22 inches

“So I gained an inch on each leg. I can’t wait to try this again in a few weeks. My initial thoughts about this workout was to never climb any stairs for at least 2 days!”

Gained over 1 inch

Tudor Pangal is a 45yr old man from Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. This is his facebook profile. He gained 2.8cm (1.1 inches).

  • Before the workout my right thigh was 56.5cm.
  • On January 6 it went up to 59.3cm.

“Mark, thanks for the opportunity to try this program. I could barely sit without whining like a little girl.”

 You can pay in any currency. Payment is through Paypal. But you can still purchase without a Paypal account. After clicking the Buy button, look for the section “Checkout as Guest” or “Pay with a debit or credit card”)




There are 3 workouts over the course of a week. Each session lasts 90 minutes. You’ll use new, advanced, and hyper-intense techniques to ignite new growth in your quads, hams, and glutes. The amount of overload and growth stimulation generated here will be like nothing your body has ever experienced. As a result, you can produce bigger, more muscular, more defined legs and butt in just over a week. This training methodology works! You won’t just train to 100% intensity – you’ll go well above 100% – I call it “hyper-intensity”. Read the next section for more…




Check this out: Before you ever started training, what sort of intensity of effort was your body exposed to? Your daily activities probably never caused you to work any muscle beyond 20% – 30% intensity of effort. So your muscle mass levels remained the same (or even atrophied). Then you started training and let’s say you were going to failure in each set in the 8-12 rep range. This equates to training at ~85% of your 1-rep max. That’s 85% as a percentage of 1 rep max and taking every set to 100% (failure), which has been shown in study after study to be optimal for size gains. So what happened here? You went from 30% to 85% and BANG! – The “Newbie Gains” phenomenon kicked in and you gained like crazy. How is this relevant to the Leg Blast? Read the next section…



The drastic change in intensity that your muscle tissue was exposed to as a “newbie” forced your body to adapt. How does the body adapt? By building more muscle mass. But what if you could create a workout that actually caused you to work above 100%? I’m talking levels of ~130% or higher? Well again…your body will be forced to adapt to this massive change in intensity. How? By building even more muscle mass. Training above 100% is what I call “HYPER-INTENSE” training. You’re about to experience the “Newbie Gains” phenomenon all over again. 🙂


how to get squat booty

Of course you do. The problem is those “training charts” you see on the web are next-to-useless. You know the ones; do 20 “lunges” today, 30 tomorrow, 50 the next day and on it goes. This is unscientific hogwash.


They are absolutely clueless regarding the issues of:

  • muscle fiber recruitment in the glutes (butt)

  • the required intensity levels

  • how to induce muscle damage

  • how to maximize metabolic stress in the intended muscle

  • how to maximize protein synthesis levels resulting from an intense workout

  • how to properly rest, recover, and let your muscles grow and take new shape

Truth is – you don’t need to know about these in-depth topics either – that’s my job! I’ve already built all this into the training package – all you have to do is do it and watch the changes happen in the mirror 🙂

If you want that, just click below..


I was extremely sore but it was worth it because once this week ended, I gained 2 freakin’ inches on my legs! I was speechless on how much I gained in 7 days. Before the blast, I could not put mass on my legs, but that changed. I now notice fuller legs and more cuts on my quads and it’s awesome. Thanks Mark
Angel Ayon (gained 2 inches)

Out of all the muscle groupings, I have struggled to make gains with my leg muscles with resistance training. With the Leg Blast, I increased my thigh circumference by 1 and 3/4 inches. Thanks Mark for having a program that could do this. I am not going to say it was easy but I am looking forward to trying it again in 10 weeks.
Dr. Jordan Appel (gained 1.75 inches)

I did three leg blast workouts. Growth peaked about 3 days after the last workout. I gained 2 inches on both legs!! My vastus medialis that has a noticeable new bulge over the last week. Legs all-round solid and fuller than ever before.
Richard Freeman (gained 2 inches)




Hey there, I’m Mark McManus 🙂 I’m CEO of MuscleHack and a trainer to thousands all over the world. I’ve written for major publications like Iron Man magazine and Perfect Body magazine. I’ve also been featured and referenced on sites like Bodybuilding.com, Livestrong.com and many more. I’m a trusted authority in this field.

Here’s how I came up with this crazy workout…

On 2 previous occasions, I created hyper-intense (beyond 100%) workouts for both the chest and the arms. My test subjects saw gains over the course of a week that simply had not been seen before. So I set a new challenge for myself…could I possibly replicate these results using similar techniques for the upper legs? (quads, hams, glutes)

I started creating the workout in October of 2015. I had it tested locally by some trainees before taking it to a global level. Announcing that I needed “lab rats” on my MuscleHack site, I had many volunteers come forth in the hope of experiencing new, quick, and permanent growth to their legs.

Global testing began in January 2016 and the results were announced on MuscleHack in February 2016 (see here). They were breath-taking! Everyone gained. Male and female. The biggest gain being reported at 3 inches.

Are you ready for some of that? Then click below…

Ready for those leg and butt gains?

Click to buy – just a 1-time payment of $29.99
(about £19.99 British pounds – and you can pay in any currency)

(Payment is through Paypal. But you can still purchase without a Paypal account. After clicking the Buy button below, look for the section “Pay with a debit or credit card”)